Sunday, December 23, 2007

It's Christmas Eve Eve (that's December 23, two days before Christmas). My husband likes to say that on the days leading up to Christmas. There have been times when he's started this ten or more days before Christmas...drives me crazy.

I'll spend the next few days catching up on some woodturning -- roughing out some blanks, trying out some new design ideas, and working with some woodturning buddies who I offered to help out in my shop.

With any luck, it won't be nearly another month before the next post....sheesh!!

I participated in a Secret Santa gift exchange with some other woodturners -- we're scattered all over North America. My Secret Santa lives in Oregon, and this is what he sent me - a box turned out of Cocobolo wood, which comes from a tree that grows in South America.

Monday, November 12, 2007

First Posting

This is my first attempt at writing content for my blog.

A profile; I am a woodturner. O.K., I mentally picture puzzled faces out there. Do you have a wood salad bowl? Rolling pin? Wood stair railing balusters? Porch Columns? That's what I make.

No, I'm not rich, far from it. It barely pays the bills most times, but it beats 'working for a living' I say that because if you love what you're doing it's not really work, is it? Besides, my commute is all of 9 seconds --down the basement stairs into my garage, where my workshop is located.